What people are saying about Elizabeth's training...

"Elizabeth has the knowledge and more importantly the experience when it comes to real estate investing and designing your life."
Gary Hibbert
Host of the Real Talk with Gary Podcast
"Elizabeth's knowledge and experience of being in the trenches with over 100 RTOs and managing over 300 units is NEXT LEVEL!"
Jodi Vetterl
Author and Real Estate Investor
"Elizabeth coaches with gentle guidance and positive reinforcement. What I like best about working with Elizabeth is her creativity."
Debbie Gilbert
Founder, Antrim Capital
"Elizabeth is one of the top level market thought leaders. She's experienced in all areas of real estate investing. Highly recommend learning from her."
Mandy Branham
The Joint Venture Specialist
"We focus on the Rent-to-Own real estate investment strategy. Elizabeth offers a structured program, customized to meet your individual needs."
Inna Isyumov
Founder, InnaVative Real Estate Inc.
"With her guidance and expertise I am investing in real estate, raising capital for deals, and most of all, I have a clear path to achieve my goals."
Zach Cahill
Founder, Sudbury REI Association

What's Included in Elizabeth Kelly's Real Estate Investing Courses?

Elizabeth offers one-on-one courses covering specific topics, as well as one-on-one personalized strategy sessions. The best way to get started is by booking a complimentary consultation call. While you wait for your meeting, see the current course offerings below!


12 personalized 1:1 coaching sessions to provide intensive learning and support so you can build a solid foundation for your real estate portfolio.

Coaching sessions are personalized for each client, but can include topics like:

  • Strategically planning your investments and choosing the perfect strategy to achieve your goals
  • Finding and evaluating ideal investment markets
  • Tips and tricks to build an unstoppable power team
  • Combining creative financing strategies with detailed property analysis and deal evaluation
  • Corporate structure, systems and processes to make your business scalable for the long term
  • Introductions to my personal circle of trusted power team members

REI DEEP DIVE - 1 on 1

24 customized 1:1 educational real estate investing coaching sessions, with strategic planning and additional support when you need it most.

Coaching sessions are personalized for each client, but the Deep Dive can include all of the topics in The Fundamentals plus…

  • Intensive support to put in offers, negotiate and close on your next investment property
  • Attracting and working with Joint Venture partners
  • Structuring irresistible deals with advanced Creative Financing techniques
  • Full access to the tools, documents and systems you need to grow your business
  • Property Management – finding or becoming an asset manager

RENT-TO-OWN - 1 on 1

12 customized 1:1 coaching sessions with a focus on the Lease Option Strategy. Everything you need from systems, processes and contracts to start your own Rent-to-Own company in just a few months.

  • Finding and evaluating ideal investment markets
  • Tips and tricks to build an unstoppable power team
  • Combining creative financing strategies with detailed property analysis and deal evaluation
  • Corporate structure, systems and processes to make your business scalable for the long term
  • Introductions to my personal circle of trusted power team members
  • Rent-to-Own contract templates


12 personalized 1:1 sessions of customized coaching for multifamily investing strategies.

  • Executing the BRRRR strategy on multifamily properties
  • Analyzing potential markets, running numbers, and completing the due diligence process
  • Placing strategic offers
  • Self-management vs working with a property manager
  • Cost-effective and appealing renovations, repairs, and upgrades for maximum ROI
  • Introductions to my personal circle of trusted power team members

Strategic Review Session

Strategy session to address whatever issue you are currently facing – portfolio review, business or strategic planning, running numbers on a deal, problem-solving or crisis management. This one on one meeting can be customized to get what you need from Elizabeth, when you need it!

Monthly Mastermind Webinars

Have you joined my Facebook Mastermind group yet? Click here to join like-minded investors to discuss and learn about real estate investing; you’ll also gain access to monthly webinars on current issues and relevant topics to accelerate your portfolio growth!

Meet Your Coach

Elizabeth Kelly

I help new and experienced real estate investors strategically and aggressively build their portfolios and maximize profits in order to achieve their goals more quickly and easily than they ever dreamed possible. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A good coach provides perspective, knowledge, and support to shorten your runway to achieve your goals. They remove blind spots, help you overcome limiting beliefs and provide guidance so you can achieve insurmountable goals – because you don’t know what you don’t know.

It can be. But so is investing without a plan and adequate knowledge! Coaching is an investment in yourself and your education. Some programs are very expensive (upwards for $50k), while others are more affordable. You must balance the investment in your education against the cost of proceeding on your own. What opportunities might you fail to maximize or miss out on all together because you did not have all the knowledge you needed in order to make a good decision within the next few weeks?

There are lots of people offering coaching services right now. You need to do your due diligence to find the right person to help you achieve your goals.  Here are a few considerations to keep in mind

  • Experience: What kind of relevant experience do they have? A couple of deals over a few years typically does not provide adequate experience to help you with long range planning and execution. Most investors make money when the markets are rising but it takes a skilled and educated investor to continue to thrive in a market down-turn. Ensure the coach you choose has a proven history of completing deals with the strategy you want to implement in all kinds for markets.
  • Reputation: Ask other investors in your network about their experiences dealing with a prospective coach. Are they known for being honest and ethical? Is their program known for helping people take action and achieve their goals?
  • Communication: Connect with former clients to get a sense of a coach’s educational approach and communication style. Then book a call discovery to determine if their coaching and communication style resonates with you.

With more than 8 years of experience as a real estate trainer and coach, Elizabeth has a ton of experience helping investors build their investment business. Plus, Elizabeth’s coaching programs are completely customized to YOUR individual needs. Weekly or bi-weekly 1:1 sessions provide you with consistent support and ensure that you are moving at exactly the right pace. Initial sessions establish your current position as well as where you want to be in the future. With this information you and Elizabeth will create a strategic plan to achieve your goals. The balance of your coaching sessions will be spent increasing your investment knowledge and applying the concepts in order to build your real estate business and acquire new investment properties.

Ready to Get Started?

Take action today and start growing your portfolio!